[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] PRA and ? PID

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Fri Jun 10 02:08:19 EDT 2016

Hi Jennifer,
Did you consider ADA2 deficiency?
During the last PIDTC education day, Hasan Hashem, a fellow from Cleveland, described the case of a patient who presented with PRCA, a mild immunodeficiency, and who was eventually diagnosed with ADA2 deficiency.
ADA2 deficient patients often have a stroke but not in all cases.
You could rule out this hypothesis by dosing ADA2 enzyme activity, if you don't have an easy access to WES.
All the best

Elie Haddad
CHU Ste-Justine, University of Montreal.

On Jun 9, 2016, at 12:37, CIS-PIDD <cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org<mailto:cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org>> wrote:

Dear colleagues,

I would appreciate your opinions on a case that was referred to me by a colleague:

She is a 26yo Canadian, caucasian female with the following medical profile:
1) Pure red cell aplasia diagnosed December 2012 (interestingly on the marrow, myeloid elements were also slightly decreased but she has never been neutropenic).  Prior to December 2015 she was treated with prednisone and cyclosporine at different times.  She responded to each agent but lost her response when the medication was tapered.  She received horse ATG and cyclosporine Dec 2015 and went into remission, but this appears to be tenuous as her Hb dropped when she missed a few doses of CsA during illness. At present, the plan is to continue the minimal effective dose of CsA and there are ongoing discussions about stem cell transplant.  Parvo serology was negative.

2)  GI issues:
a) Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency requiring pancreatic enzyme replacement.  She was tested for Schwachman Diamond, but this was negative and she doesn't really have other features of this syndrome.
b) Possible IBD with 15cm of rectosigmoid thickening on ultrasound.  The patient has declined colonscopy.

3) Skin conditions:
a) Eczema starting in childhood which she describes as being very severe and complicated by bacterial and fungal superinfections.  She reports multiple food, chemical and environmental allergies.  She has had recurrent rashes involving her torso, hands, face, and arms (never biopsied).  When I saw her, she did not have a diffuse rash, but definitely had evidence of eczema on her hands.  She was seen by a dermatologist who feels she has contact dermatitis and lichenified eczema.
b)  Warts that were first noted in childhood and resolved, but have recurred and are quite severe on her hands.
She does not have a significant history of infections aside from the warts and eczema-related infections.

I tested her B and T cell subsets in June 2015. This showed:
- normal total CD3+ cells as well as CD4 and CD8 subsets
- Her responses to PHA, ConA and PWM were good
- low  CD19+ cells = 0.02 x 10E9/L (ref range 0.1-0.5).  She had low IgD+27- cells and no IgD-27+ or IgD+27+ cells.
- IgG = 9.92 g/L, IgA 0.82 g/L (both within normal range) and low IgM at 0.29g/L. IgE 14kIU/L
- isohemagglutinins (Blood type O) anti A = 8 and anti B = 8 (lower limit of normal for both is 8).
- NK cells were normal in number.

By the time I saw her she was on a short course of IVIg to try to treat her PRCA and so I did not do vaccine testing at the time.

There is no evidence of thymoma on CXR.

My questions are:
1) Is there a known immune deficiency that could present with this phenotype?
2)  Any suggestions for further investigations or treatment?

Jennifer Grossman
Hematologist/ Immunologist
Alberta Health Services
Calgary, Alberta, Canada


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