[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] PFAPA and low memory B cells

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Fri Jul 15 15:56:31 EDT 2016


I am seeing a 19 yo woman who has long carried the diagnosis of Selective
IgA Deficiency. She has had multiple episodes of sinusitis and one
pneumonia. For the past year, she has had textbook presentations of PFAPA
with all four characteristics every 3-4 weeks. She recently had a
thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer.

Her laboratory studies are below. At this time she is being treated with
prophylactic TMP/SMX. My questions are: What would you do for the PFAPA
which is debilitating because of the 5-7 day duration of the episodes and
their frequency (tonsils are visible but small). What additional laboratory
studies may be of help?

Richard Wasserman

 Immunoglobulin A, Qn, Serum

                       [L]  9 mg/dL                     87-352

 Immunoglobulin G, Qn, Serum

                            1291 mg/dL                  549-1584

 Immunoglobulin M, Qn, Serum

                            110 mg/dL                   58-230

Immunoglobulin E, Total

                            24 IU/mL                    0-100

Post Vaccination Titers

Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) (812166)

  Pneumo Ab Type 1*         11.4 ug/mL                  >1.3

  Pneumo Ab Type 3*         9.8 ug/mL                   >1.3

  Pneumo Ab Type 4*         >15.8 ug/mL                 >1.3

  Pneumo Ab Type 8*         7.6 ug/mL                   >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 9 (9N)*

                            13.8 ug/mL                  >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 12 (12F)*

                            11.9 ug/mL                  >1.3

  Pneumo Ab Type 14*        >31.0 ug/mL                 >1.3

! Pneumo Ab Type 17 (17F)*

                            16.4 ug/mL                  >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 19 (19F)*

                            23.6 ug/mL                  >1.3

! Pneumo Ab Type 2*         4.8 ug/mL                   >1.3

! Pneumo Ab Type 20*        4.3 ug/mL                   >1.3

! Pneumo Ab Type 22 (22F)*

                            53.9 ug/mL                  >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 23 (23F)*

                            2.0 ug/mL                   >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 26 (6B)*

                            51.7 ug/mL                  >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 34 (10A)*

                            >32.9 ug/mL                 >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 43 (11A)*

                            12.8 ug/mL                  >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 5*         6.5 ug/mL                   >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 51 (7F)*

                            5.8 ug/mL                   >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 54 (15B)*

                            >29.3 ug/mL                 >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 56 (18C)*

                            5.2 ug/mL                   >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 57 (19A)*

                            24.8 ug/mL                  >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 68 (9V)*

                            18.8 ug/mL                  >1.3

 Pneumo Ab Type 70 (33F)*

                            12.2 ug/mL                  >1.3

Haemophilus influenzae B IgG (138271)

 Haemophilus influenzae B IgG

                            >9.00 ug/mL

Tetanus Antitoxoid IgG Ab (163691)

 Tetanus Antitoxoid IgG Ab

                            >7.00 IU/mL                 <0.10

Diphtheria Antitoxoid Ab (163709)

 Diphtheria Antitoxoid Ab

                            1.09 IU/mL                  <0.10

T- and B-Lymphocyte/Nat Killer (505370)

  Abs.CD19+ Lymphs          84 /uL                      12-645

  % CD19+ Lymphs       [L]  2.8 %                       3.3-25.4

  Absolute CD 3        [H]  2553 /uL                    622-2402

  % CD 3 Pos. Lymph.        85.1 %                      57.5-86.2

  Absolute CD 4 Helper      834 /uL                     359-1519

  % CD 4 Pos. Lymph.   [L]  27.8 %                      30.8-58.5

  Abs. CD 8 Suppressor [H]  1470 /uL                    109-897

  % CD 8 Pos. Lymph.   [H]  49.0 %                      12.0-35.5

  CD4/CD8 Ratio        [L]  0.57                        0.92-3.72

  Ab NK (CD56/16)           327 /uL                     24-406

  % NK (CD56/16)            10.9 %                      1.4-19.4

B-Cell Memory and Naive Panel (818314)

! B-cells % CD19       [L]  3 %                         5-26

! B-cells Absolute CD19

                            82 cells/uL                 58-558

! Naive B-cell %CD19+/CD27-/IgD+

                            60 %                        29-93

! Naive BCL Abs CD19+/CD27-/IgD+

                            49 cells/uL                 22-423

! Non-switched Memory %

                            7 %                         2-25

! Non-switch Abs            5 cells/uL                  4-66

! Class-switched Memory %

                       [L]  <1 %                        3-23

! Class-switched Abs   [L]  1 cells/uL                  4-62

! IgM Only Memory %    [H]  15.6 %                      .3-6.0

! IgM Only Memory Abs       12.8 cells/uL               .6-16.4

! Total Memory B-cell%CD19/CD27+

                            23 %                        7-48

! Tot Mem BCL Absol CD19+/CD27+

                            19 cells/uL                 13-148

ANA w/Reflex (164902)

  ANA Direct           [A]  Positive                    Negative

Tests: (9) ENA+DNA/DS+Centro+Scl 70+Sj... (160033)

  Anti-DNA (DS) Ab Qn       2 IU/mL                     0-9

                                       Negative      <5

                                       Equivocal  5 - 9

                                       Positive      >9

  RNP Antibodies            0.2 AI                      0.0-0.9

  Smith Antibodies          <0.2 AI                     0.0-0.9

 Antiscleroderma-70 Antibodies

                       [H]  1.2 AI                      0.0-0.9

  Sjogren's Anti-SS-A       <0.2 AI                     0.0-0.9

  Sjogren's Anti-SS-B       <0.2 AI                     0.0-0.9

 Anti-Centromere B Antibodies

                            <0.2 AI                     0.0-0.9

 ANCA Panel (163873)

 Antimyeloperoxidase (MPO) Abs

                            <9.0 U/mL                   0.0-9.0

 Antiproteinase 3 (PR-3) Abs

                            <3.5 U/mL                   0.0-3.5

  Cytoplasmic (C-ANCA)      <1:20 titer                 Neg:<1:20

  Perinuclear (P-ANCA)      <1:20 titer                 Neg:<1:20

  Atypical pANCA            <1:20 titer                 Neg:<1:20
Richard L. Wasserman, MD, PhD
Allergy Partners of North Texas
7777 Forest Lane, Suite B-332
Dallas, Texas 75230
Office (972) 566-7788
Fax (972) 566-8837
Cell (214) 697-7211

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