[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Influenza vaccine

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Wed Dec 21 15:57:51 EST 2016

Hi Yeshim,

We do recommend inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) to all of our antibody deficient patients (even XLAs).  There is admittedly no data to support efficacy, but since current immunoglobulin batches are unlikely to be effective against the annual influenza strains, and the vaccine is quite safe, we think it's worthwhile.

You bring up excellent points about the dose and whether we should be boosting.  This would be a great study.  If anyone out there wants to take this on, we'll participate!  :)

Best regards and happy holidays,

Michael D. Keller, MD

Assistant Professor, Division of Allergy / Immunology

Center for Cancer and Immunology Research

Jeffrey Modell Diagnostic and Research Center for

Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders

Children's National Health System

111 Michigan Ave NW, M7745A

Washington, DC 20010

Clinic: 202.476.2140

Office: 202.476.5843

Fax: 202.476.2280


From: CIS-PIDD [cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 6:00 PM
Subject: [cis-pidd] Influenza vaccine

I would like to ask the group about their recommendations for influenza vaccine for PID patients:
1- Do you recommend it to every PID patient regardless of the diagnosis or treatment?
2- Do you prefer quadrivalent over trivalent?
3- Do you recommend high dose ( like it is recommended for older people) ?
4- Do you recommend a booster dose in mid-season?


Yeshim Demirdag
Columbia University Medical Center
New York

Sent from my iPhone
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