[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Latent TB and a history of recurrent pneumonia

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Wed Feb 15 12:59:10 EST 2017

I followed a child from age 4-12 during which time he had more than seven x
ray documented lobar pneumonias and some otitis and sinusitis but no other
bacterial infections. Reported to have had prolonged courses of routine
viral illnesses but always recovered. Never cultured an unusual organism.
No fungal infections. Normal growth and development. Evaluated several
times for an antibody production defect and always had normal Ig's and
vaccine responses. Normal granulocyte function, normal complement.

Lost to follow up for four years. Returns with a positive PPD and a
reactive quantiferon gold obtained because he was volunteering at the zoo.
Asymptomatic, normal chest x ray. Since I last saw him, he has had only a
few viral URI's, no pneumonias, no courses of antibiotics.

The question is, have I missed looking for something? Is he immunologically
normal despite his now distant history of pneumonias. Can he be treated
like a normal person with latent TB? The family is anxious to be sure there
is no missed problem.

Pending studies, IgA, IgG, IgM, vaccine serologies, CBC, T and B cell


Richard L. Wasserman, MD, PhD
Allergy Partners of North Texas
7777 Forest Lane, Suite B-332
Dallas, Texas 75230
Office (972) 566-7788
Fax (972) 566-8837
Cell (214) 697-7211

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