[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Postdoctoral research fellow position at the Immunology Service, DLM, NIH Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Tue Mar 21 10:24:12 EDT 2017

Dear All, we have a postdoc position opening in the lab.
Please, feel free to distribute it to other people interested.
Thanks and kind regards,

Postdoctoral research fellow position at the Immunology Service, Department of Laboratory Medicine, NIH Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD

We have an opening for a post-doctoral fellow to carry out research in the field of primary immune deficiency and immune dysregulation disorders.  The position is available immediately and the position is offered for an initial term of 2 years, with the possibility of additional years based on accomplishments.

The candidate must have received a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Biological Science (cell biology/life science/immunology/molecular biology) and have experience handling human samples, primary cell culture, flow cytometry, and molecular biology tools (e.g., cloning, transfection, PCR, sequencing, western blotting, ELISA, immunohistochemistry, etc.). The candidate must have a strong background, and a strong interest, in human immunology and molecular biology.
Information about NIH postdoctoral fellows’ stipends could be found at https://researchtraining.nih.gov/

To apply, please send inquires containing a cover letter, CV with a description of previous research, list of publications and contact information for 3 references to Sergio D. Rosenzweig, MD, PhD, Chief Immunology Service, DLM, CC, NIH (srosenzweig at cc.nih.gov)<mailto:srosenzweig at cc.nih.gov)>

Sergio D. Rosenzweig, MD, PhD
Chief, Immunology Service, DLM, CC, NIH
10 Center Dr., Bldg. 10, DLM, CC 2C-410F
Bethesda, MD 20892
srosenzweig at cc.nih.gov<mailto:srosenzweig at cc.nih.gov>

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