[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Question from Dr. John Hagan regarding CHH and malignancy

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Tue Apr 11 19:35:03 EDT 2017

This is posted by Roshini Abraham, Mayo Clinic on behalf of Dr. John Hagan, Div. of Allergy/Immunology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester

I am caring for a 50 year old man with Cartilage Hair Hypoplasia.  He recently developed an EBV+ B cell lymphoma, which was treated (incidentally this is the second adult CHH patient at Mayo who developed an EBV lymphoma in mid-adulthood) with chemotherapy and he has done well.  But, he is at high risk for recurrence.
I would appreciate any input from others if there are other therapies to consider in this context to reduce the recurrence of EBV+ B cell lymphoma.

Thank you for your time and guidance.

John B. Hagan, M.D.
hagan.john at mayo.edu

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