[sbe-eas] EAS Encoder/Decoder Funding Question

Sean Donelan sean at donelan.com
Tue Dec 20 18:42:22 EST 2022

FCC doesn't provided funding, considering itself a regulatory agency. 
Until Congress authorizes funding, FCC can't spend it.

FEMA and the predecessor agencies Office of Civil Defense and Defense 
Civil Preparedness Agency provided grants for various CONELRAD/EBS/EAS/PEP 
stations over the decades.  The equipment funded by FEMA is reserved for 
FEMA's purposes.  Stations would still need to buy their own EAS equipment 
for FCC compliance, even if FEMA supplies an EAS box.

Non-profit stations can talk with their state emergency management 
agencies about grant opportunities.  Usually, for-profit stations do not 
qualify for state EMA grants.

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