[SBE] Electronic Media Engineer

Barry Thomas, CPBE CBNT barryt at sbe.org
Mon Mar 17 15:56:15 EDT 2008

I like the sound of that, Clay.

I've just finished watching the first episode of the HBO Series "John Adams". The debates of the Continental Congress seem oddly familiar though we may not be talking about lives but are certainly debating livelihoods.

We've had great debate and hope it will continue as we're gaining as much here as we have in SBE strategic planning meetings in the past. Thank you all for contributing.

I would like to request something. As I've said before, complaining of our situation, nay saying and pining for the past does not help us achieve our future. We are all keenly aware of the challenges we face in the profession. There's no need to restate them.

I had a manager tell me one thing that has stuck with me. "Stop telling how it can't be done. Tell me how it can be." What I'm continually learning is ways to determine what "it" is and look for ways to do "it".

The retirement and employment situation is a concern but we do not have the influence to change that. We are talking about Industry problems that will only work themselves out through market forces. What we can influence is how we....as individuals and as an industry professional society, respond and adapt to the new paradigm.

We've seen lots of interesting ideas here for the SBE, many of them we already do or are in the works. I encourage you to check the web site, read your The Signal newsletters, and subscribe to the new email newsletter SBe-news to learn more.

For every one of our great programs, there was a member who was central to making it a reality. The last Signal I wrote an article about all of our committees to help give some insight on how this volunteer society works. "SBE National" is made up of a small staff led by executive director John Poray who are busy handling the daily operations of the Society. Any major project or new initiative must have a member, not necessarily a board director who is the champion and makes it happen, hopefully with the help of other members in committees.

Great ideas like web chapter meetings, educational seminars, publications need member champions or they simply won't happen. I can't state this strongly enough. We need your action to help us all.

I'm hoping many of you will take up some of these ideas and help us all improve our situations.


Barry Thomas CPBE CBNT
Society of Broadcast Engineers, Inc

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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