[SBE] FW: RadioTime Feedback

Dan Mammone dmammone at muskingum.edu
Mon Oct 27 09:36:54 EDT 2008

Okay folks... Here is an email thread that I had with Bill Moore, CEO of
RadioTime. He claims that NO CONTENT goes thru RadioTime.


Dan Mammone CBRE, CBNT
Broadcast Engineer
Muskingum College

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Moore [mailto:radiobill at gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 3:19 PM
To: 'Dan Mammone'
Subject: RE: RadioTime Feedback

Hi Dan,

The content is from the radio station, RadioTime introduces your computer to
their stream. We don't have any rights to the stations audio, so none of it
goes thru RadioTime.

Just like you can search Google and visit a site. Google is just making it
easy to find content, they don't own it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Mammone [mailto:dmammone at muskingum.edu]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 12:56 PM
To: bill at radiotime.com
Subject: RE: RadioTime Feedback


I can listen to the stations that result in a zip code search. I didn't even
register. Isn't that providing content?

Dan Mammone CBRE, CBNT
Broadcast Engineer
Muskingum College

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Moore [mailto:radiobill at gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 1:24 PM
To: dmammone at muskingum.edu
Subject: RE:RadioTime Feedback


Thanks for the feedback below.

RadioTime is simply a directory of radio programming and factual
information. Like a search engine we make it easy to find, but we don't
stream or otherwise deliver any content.

RadioTime also has agreements with the largest US broadcasters. We've done
extensive legal investigation to be sure we are not violating any copyright.

If you would like to discuss, or if you own programming you would like
removed from the directory, just let us know.


Bill Moore
CEO RadioTime

Reading your Service Agreement page, I found the copyright section:

"Radio Programming Is Copyrighted

You also understand that the Third Party Content is the copyrighted material
of the third party that supplies it, is protected by U.S. copyright law and
other applicable laws, and may not be reproduced, used to prepare derivative
works, distributed, performed publicly or displayed publicly without the
written permission of the third party that supplied it, except to the extent
allowed under the "fair use" provisions of the U.S. copyright laws, other
limitations on exclusive copyrights in the U.S. copyright laws, or
comparable provisions of foreign laws. "

Given that, how can YOU do this legally? Are you not performing/displaying

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