[SBE] WFXT Fox 25 Boston

Dan Slentz dan_slentz at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 31 21:12:54 EST 2008

I'd be curious to know if it were a failed broadband TCI 888 antenna shared by their analog & digital. 
It appears these antennas like to burn down from the top and not show a VSWR problem until they hit the power divider (and by that time, you've just burned down a few hundred thousand dollars worth of antenna like a dollar store candle).

--- On Wed, 12/31/08, Gary <gbrefini at aol.com> wrote:

From: Gary <gbrefini at aol.com>
Subject: [SBE] WFXT Fox 25 Boston
To: sbe at sbe.org
Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 8:36 PM

Recently Fox's Ch 25, WFXT, here in Boston had problems either with it's analog antenna or both and are now off the air. Repair seemed to be a fools errand since the approaching analog shut down soon. What I am curious about is the sequence of events leading up to their analog signal  going away. Anyone got the 411?

Thanks in advance and Happy  and Safe New Year to all!

GP Brefini

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