[SBE] Legislative Action Requested!!

Barry Thomas barryt at barryt.org
Thu Mar 11 15:00:03 EST 2010

We had a very exciting development yesterday....and we need your help and the help of your chapters!

Many of you know about the "FCC Commissioners Technical Resource Act"; Senate bill S.2881. This bill was introduced by Senators Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Mark Warner (D-Virginia) on December 14th and is in direct agreement with SBE Legislative Goal #3 " To promote the maintenance or increase of technical expertise within the FCC to ensure that decision making by the FCC is based on technical investigation, studies and evaluation rather than political expenditures." (http://sbe.org/gov_index.php). President Lopez directed General Counsel Chris Imlay and me to visit Washington, DC last week in support of this effort. The purpose of our visit was to reach out to members of Congress and, hopefully encourage a companion bill in the US House. The trip was very productive and we met with a good number of staff and conducted some other NAB legislative business as well.

Long story short: Representative Jerry McNerney (D-CA) has just introduced HR. 4809 (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-4809). This is an incredible development! Here's where we need your help:

1 - Please contact your US Representative and urge them to join Rep. McNerney as a co-sponsor or, at least, support HR.4809. For contact information for your US Representative go here: http://www.house.gov/zip/ZIP2Rep.html

2 - Please contact your US Senator and urge their support for S.2881! - For contact information for your US Senator, go here: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

Our best members of congress respond to the priorities of their constituents. With 5,500 members all across the US, we can make our voices known and have a real impact!

Thanks for your help!

Barry Thomas, CPBE CBNT
barryt at sbe.org

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