[SBE] The future of Broadcasting.

Edwin Bukont ebukont at msn.com
Sat Mar 13 20:26:49 EST 2010

Right wing nut jobs?

Conspiracy theorists?

Where? So far every name mentioned, with their words and deeds now public record, is a card carrying member of either the Clinton liberal-elite or the Obama liberal-elite. I don't either of those can be called 'right wing". There is nothing here in theorey or conspiracy, nothing thought up by a right wing nut.

The face of the matter is that what was begun in 1994, the Clinton years, then stopped during the Bush years, has now been resurrected under Obama. That ressurection is the plan to kill the very business that holds liberal causes so dear.

Face the facts. The conspiracy is on the part of the liberal elites to remove freedom of speech and freedom to assemble from the mass populace. An all broadband world is an all monitored and tracked world. 'They', the proponents of a national ID plan, (which is what your future IPv6 smart phone will be) intend and will know what you listen to, where you listen to it, who else is listening with you and what your thoughts as you discuss them in a chat.

The First Amendment is under attack. And this is a fact. That appears to be the intent of Reed Hundt's vision, an all wired world that leads government right into any room in your house. Brought to you by liberal visionaries. No right wings or conservatives involved.

Edwin Bukont CSRE, DRB, CBNT
V- 240.417.2475; F- 240.368.1265

From: tomtraveller at hotmail.com
To: sbe at sbe.org
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 17:41:39 -0800
Subject: Re: [SBE] The future of Broadcasting.

Right-wing wing nuts and conspiracy theorists, anyone who thinks the government can plan this far ahead and implement grandiose plans deserves their paranoia. They are part of the problem(s).

Thomas Wojciechowski
CBRE, lifetime

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