[SBE] The future of Broadcasting.

R.V.Zeigler rzeigler at krvn.com
Sun Mar 14 01:27:19 EST 2010

* Phil Alexander wrote: (And I have parsed for brevity of post)

"If NOLA were not wake up call enough, surely the next
disaster will be a clear and present warning ...

...Class A AM stations for disseminating information and instructions
to the public at large (because only those stations have
the necessary coverage for all conditions)...

...When all else crashes including wired telephone service,
RADIO WORKS! Radio always works. Listeners can rely on
radio. We know that. We have proven it time and time again...
Ultimately, it is a matter of survival in the worst cases."

I agree, absolutely, and with NO reservations whatsoever.
TV has been downgraded to an infrastructure dependent medium like cell
phones and computers. As long as the sun shines and the birds sing
everything is just fine. Let the power go out and a communication
dependent population is suddenly, and utterly, isolated.
Radio, with it's broad reach and ability to be used with extremely
inexpensive, non-infrastructure related, equipment is the only medium
able to disseminate information to those lost souls.
Now, getting the i-Pod, i-Phone, i-TV, i-net dependent population to
recognize this is another matter completely. Some of them may be
introduced to us for the first time by that funny thing with a built-in
speaker, that comes in the Red Cross package they are given, while
sitting on a cot, with a blanket around them, in a shelter with many others.

R. V. Zeigler, Dir. of Eng.
Nebraska Rural Radio Assn.
rzeigler at krvn.com

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