[SBE] The future of Broadcasting.

Gary O'Guinn garyo at ktuu.com
Tue Mar 16 13:15:25 EDT 2010

I have read most of the comments about the death of Free Over The Air
Broadcasting and it seems to me we broadcasters need to step up.
According to the majority of comments posted here, most of us feel that
this is a direct attack on the principals of our government mixed in
with Congressional greed. If all we are going to do is talk about this
among ourselves then nothing will be accomplished. If these issues
really mean something then we need to take an active approach. Call,
write, e-mail your Congressmen (or women). Tell them that if they allow
the F.C.C. to proceed along the path they have chosen, these Congressmen
cannot count upon your support at the polling booth. Pass the word on to
your friends and family members.

You want change in the government then it's time to step up and remind
the "Government" that this is a Government of the People, by the People
and for the People. Not a People of the Government, by the Government,
and for the Government: as it seems that many in Washington would like
us to be.

Gary O'Guinn

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