[SBE] Bluetooth adapter for RTS intercom?

Andy Funk ARFunk at arfunk.com
Thu Jul 16 16:17:07 EDT 2020

So as I've gotten older my hearing has deteriorated and I now use hearing
aids. But there's a slight advantage — they also function as bluetooth
earbuds.  If only I could hear the RTS intercom at work over them. I've
searched online but haven't found a commercial product designed as a
bluetooth adapter for intercoms. Am I just not looking in the right place?

What I'm hoping to find is an XLR pass-through that would go between my
headset and the intercom panel, and feed the earphone audio out via
Bluetooth. Or, as there are small Bluetooth transmitters available, instead
of internal Bluetooth perhaps a device that taps the earphone audio to a
1/8" stereo jack.

Does anyone know about anything like either of these?
Sent from my tablet via radio — yes, wireless is radio.
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