[Techtoolslist] OS 6.1 and 9100/A/AF/FT - anyone using one of these?

John Robertson jrr at flippers.com
Fri Nov 8 12:23:36 EST 2013

A note about OS 6.1

Fired up the 9100 with a pod attached, and you get the following message:

"enabled line causes timeout"

In case you are wondering that is normal response for the 9100 when it
starts up with a pod. I suppose that is just reminding you about what
timeout errors can be caused by. That is probably because the pods were
developed long before the 9100 and thus the error messages left
something to be desired...

I've been using the 9010 for a long time and decided that seeing as I
have a stack of 9100s I really should get to know them better so will be
attempting to teach myself how to use this in place of the 9010 - the
advantage might be the storage of results (including ROM images) should
be easier with the 9100.

Has anyone else used a 9100 and stuck with it, or returned to the 9010?

John :-#)#

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