[Town Meeting] Another substitute motion for Article 21

Rich Carreiro rlcarr at animato.arlington.ma.us
Mon May 1 14:10:32 EDT 2006

I am likely to offer the following as a substitute motion
under Article 21:

  That the Town establish a Part-Time Elected Officials' Benefits
  Study Committee, whose membership shall be:
  * A member of the Post-Employment Medical Benefits Committee,
    appointed by the Post-Employment Medical Benefits Committee.
  * A member of the Retirement Board, appointed by the Retirement Board.
  * A member of the Finance Committee, appointed by
    the Chair of the Finance Committee.
  * A member of the Board of Selectmen, appointed by
    the Board of Selectmen.
  * A Town Meeting Member, appointed by the Moderator.

  The Committee is charged to study and recommend whether or
  not part-time elected officials of the Town should have limited
  retirement allowances, whether or not part-time elected officials
  of the Town should pay for healthcare benefits in excess of what
  the General Laws provide, and, if the Committee finds they should
  exist, what those limitations or excess payments should be.

  The Committee shall report its findings and recommendations
  to the 2007 Annual Town Meeting and then be dissolved.

Rich Carreiro                            rlcarr at animato.arlington.ma.us

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