[Voxnovus] 2024 Seed Money Grant Application

New Voice in New Music voxnovus at voxnovus.com
Thu May 23 18:06:52 EDT 2024

2024 Seed Money Grant Application

The New York Women Composers' annual Seed Money Grant Program awards 
grants of $1,000 U.S. Dollars (USD) each for concert projects that 
include a substantial commitment to the performance of music by NYWC 
members. (Note: This is not a commissioning grant.) Applicants may be 
solo performers, ensembles, or presenting organizations.

The 2024 Receipt Deadline for grant applications is Friday, May 24, 
2024. The applicant should submit a brief outline of their proposed 
project, along with professional biographical and promotional materials, 
including a headshot, and a sample sound recording. We require 
electronic submissions so that all of the jury has immediate access.

Applications will be judged by the following criteria:

1. Project Visibility

2. Instrumentation (the grant committee tries to balance the variety of 
instrumentation  receiving awards each year.)

3. Quality of the performers, as evidenced by the selected sample

4. Concert length (we prefer concerts of a minimum of 1 hour)

5. Performing Rights Organizations licensing coverage for paid-admission 

6. Community outreach potential

7. Qualified new applicants will receive preference over those who have 
previously received New York Women Composers funding. No group or 
individual performer will be funded in two consecutive years.

Please note: We encourage anyone not receiving a grant to re-apply, as 
the needs of the organization, the number of grants that it is possible 
to award, the instrumentation mix, the conditions of the grant, and the 
members of the jury change from year to year.

To watch a Zoom recording of last year's information session, please 
follow this link: https://youtu.be/51OzdguCbaE.

For more information, contact: newyorkwomencomposers at gmail.com

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