[Bska] BSkA Tournament 18th August

Chris Beesley chris.beesley1 at btinternet.com
Mon Aug 6 14:39:52 EDT 2007

Dear Skat-player

The next BSkA Skat tournament will take place on Saturday August 18th, at
 The Plough, 27 Museum Street, London WC1A 1LH, not far from the British 
Museum and Tottenham Court Road underground station.

Play will start at 11:30am. We will follow the usual pattern of four 
sessions of Synchron Skat, lasting about 90 minutes each, with a break 
for lunch after the first session, aiming to finish before 8pm. As usual, lunch can be ordered on arrival and there will be a £5 entry fee. 
Further details may be available on the BSkA web site at
http://www.weddslist.com/skat/ or feel free to ask any questions by replying to this message.

Please let us know as soon as possible whether you plan to take part, so that we know how many players to expect and what prizes we can afford. You can email me at
chris.beesley1 at btinternet.com  or call me on 020 8808 1682. People who have not registered in advance are still welcome to enter by coming to the Plough on the day and we will do our best to include you. Similarly, if you would like to play but cannot be available for the whole day, do let me know so that we can also try to accomodate you.
On the day, please try to arrive between 11:00 and 11:15. If you will be arriving later than 11:15, please call my mobile 07970 476 017 or send a message to let us know at what time you expect to be there (this applies whether or not have registered in advance). Players who do not appear or send a message by 11:15 are not guaranteed a place in the first session.

Looking forward to seeing you on 18th August
  Chris Beesley and Beate Schmolinski

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