[casual_games] Production and project management Tools/Process

Allan Simonsen Simonsen at rocketmail.com
Tue Nov 1 09:05:24 EST 2005

Skype and MSN for day-to-day communication (we're
spread across 3 different countries, so it's mostly
online). Skype is really usefull for 2-3 way
conversations, but it's really disruptive. You can
still keep working while IM-ing. I agree it can be a
time-sink if not carefull, though.

We use Mantis (www.mantisbt.org) for bug- and task-

At the moment using IonForge for source-code. Thinking
of swapping to SVN. Does anyone have any good
recommendations for a asset control solution that
artists don't hate?

We also use FTP a lot, to prove a history of builds.


> This is a good point. I'd love to hear about how
> people use their  
> project management tools as much as what they use.
> For us,  
> communication is going to be the key factor -
> anything that helps us  
> keep ideas flowing is going to be worth a lot to us.

Allan Simonsen                    simonsen at rocketmail.com
ICQ# 16606984

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