[casual_games] Production and project management Tools/Process

Daniel Bernstein danielb at sandlotgames.com
Tue Nov 1 09:52:54 EST 2005

We use SurroundSCM for source control. We've found it to be really stable
and useful. We used to use a Wiki for daily project management but we've
recently switched to Producers using MS Project and then using Basecamp for
basic daily task tracking.

We also use PHPbugtracker for tracking bugs. Our methodology is as follows:

SurroundSCM is used for the duration of the project.

Tasks are entered into Basecamp until beta. Producers own the schedule.
After beta, everything is done from bugtracker.


-----Original Message-----
From: casual_games-bounces at igda.org [mailto:casual_games-bounces at igda.org]
On Behalf Of Allan Simonsen
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 6:05 AM
To: IGDA Casual Games SIG Mailing List
Subject: Re: [casual_games] Production and project management Tools/Process

Skype and MSN for day-to-day communication (we're
spread across 3 different countries, so it's mostly
online). Skype is really usefull for 2-3 way
conversations, but it's really disruptive. You can
still keep working while IM-ing. I agree it can be a
time-sink if not carefull, though.

We use Mantis (www.mantisbt.org) for bug- and task-

At the moment using IonForge for source-code. Thinking
of swapping to SVN. Does anyone have any good
recommendations for a asset control solution that
artists don't hate?

We also use FTP a lot, to prove a history of builds.


> This is a good point. I'd love to hear about how
> people use their  
> project management tools as much as what they use.
> For us,  
> communication is going to be the key factor -
> anything that helps us  
> keep ideas flowing is going to be worth a lot to us.

Allan Simonsen                    simonsen at rocketmail.com
ICQ# 16606984

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