[game_edu] CFP's

S. Gold goldfile at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 00:09:38 EST 2007

2nd International Conference on
INtelligent TEchnologies for interactive enterTAINment

Call for Participation


We invite you to participate in the INTETAIN 08 conference in Playa
del Carmen, Cancun, Mexico, January 8-10, 2008. Details of the
preliminary program are at http://intetain.org/preliminaryprogram.htm

Keynote speaker:
Ken Perlin, NYU Media Research Lab
"The Illusion of Life, Revisited"

INTETAIN 2008, held in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI, aims to stimulate
interaction among academic researchers and commercial developers of
interactive entertainment systems. In addition to paper
presentations, posters, and demos, the conference will foster
discussions through a workshop and special events.

INTETAIN 2008 focuses on the development of novel user-centered
intelligent computational technologies and interactive applications
for entertainment, being made possible through the use of a wide
range of interactive device technologies (e.g., mobile and wearable
devices, home entertainment centers, haptic devices, wall screen
displays, information kiosks, holographic displays, fog screens,
distributed smart sensors, and immersive displays) and media delivery
infrastructures (e.g., multimedia networks, interactive radio,
streaming technologies, DVB-T/M, ITV, P2P, satellite broadcasting,
UMTS, Bluetooth, Broadband, and VoIP).

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

Playa del Carmen, Cancun, Mexico
January 8-10, 2008

Sponsored by ICST and Technical Sponsor: Create-Net


Hello games researchers,

As we've done for the last two years, Jane McGonigal, Mia Consalvo,
and I will be reprising the Game Studies Download session at the 2008
Game Developers Conference. This session highlights the top 10
findings from game research in 2007, with a focus on specific,
concrete studies that can inform game design, development, marketing,
production, etc.

We try to read through all the obvious events and journals, but we're
aware that there is work we might not be familiar with, so as we've
done in the past, we're asking for your suggestions. Remember that we
are looking for studies that might impact a great many game
developers. That means work on console games, sports games, FPS's,
etc. are easier for us to highlight than work on serious games, WoW,

If you think your work -- or someone else's work -- should be
considered for our top 10, please email me off list with the following

The name of the study
The author(s)
The author's institutional affiliation
A link to the article (if online)
A brief description (couple sentences, or a copy/paste of the abstract)

In the past this has been a standing room only event and the resulting
presentation files have been downloading tens of thousands of times,
so it's a great way to get a bit more exposure for you and your work.


(feel free to forward ... sorry for cross postings)

Ian Bogost, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

School of Literature, Communication, and Culture
The Georgia Institute of Technology
686 Cherry St.
Atlanta, GA 30332-0165

+1 (404) 894-1160
ian.bogost at lcc.gatech.edu

The HRI Student Design Competition

The HRI2008 conference will host a student design competition to foster
young talents. The goal of the competition is to create exciting new ideas
for interaction between robots and humans. The emphasis is on the design of
the robot¹s interaction with people, and we look forward to receiving
creative solutions from university students (undergraduate and graduate).
The human-robot interaction design will be judged on novelty, consistency,
possible impact on academia and industry, and presentation. A jury of
experts will determine the winner.

Students will be given only about four weeks to complete their design.
Students can work in teams of up to four members. The number of
participating teams is limited to twelve. The registration will in principle
be handled on a first come first served basis, while taking into account the
qualification and motivation of each team. Every registered team will
receive a Lego NXT box and additional sensors, actuators and regular Lego
bricks on February 12th 2008. The students are not allowed to use any other
material than those provided. However they are allowed to use other
software, such as Lejos. At the HRI¹08 conference each team will be given
about 5 minutes to present their design during a lunch session. The expert
jury will judge the designs and announce the winner later during the
conference. For each student team that registers for the design contest, at
least one student needs to attend HRI¹08 and register for the conference by
31 January 2008. The standard conference refunding policies apply for these
registrations. Students may apply for a limited number of travel grants.
Please check the HRI website at http://hri2008.org/StudentDesign.php for

Students or student teams who would like to participate in the design
contest are asked to register their team by sending an email to
c.bartneck at tue.nl by 28 January 2008 with the following information:

1. Name of the team
2. name(s) and email address(es) of all team members
3. The postal address needed to deliver the Lego box
4. Short statement of interest/background in human-robot interaction
5. Any initial ideas on robot interaction design

Important Dates
28 January 2008: registration of team for the contest
31 January 2008: one team member must register for the HRI¹08 conference
12 February 2008: Lego boxes will be shipped
12-15 March 2008: HRI¹08 Conference (preliminary date for the contest is
March 14th, 2008)

Lego and National Instruments provide the material for the student design
competition and sponsor the lunch break during which presentations will be
given. Students are required to bring all the received Lego boxes to the

Susan Gold
goldfile at gmail.com

³In a completely sane world, madness is the only freedom!² - J. G. Ballard

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