[game_edu] 2nd Ohio Game Jam

Ian Schreiber ai864 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 4 10:23:51 EDT 2008

Hi all,
Last year's Ohio Game Jam was a lot of fun (you can still see the results at http://www.ohiogamejam.org/ ). It's taken me awhile to find a venue for the second year, so it's in the Fall this time around. If you know any students, faculty or professionals interested in making games over the weekend of September 20-21 in Columbus, Ohio, I'm taking advance signups now (email an RSVP to ai864 at yahoo.com and let me know how many people are coming).
For anyone who has not heard of a Game Jam before, it's an event where people work in small teams over a short period (24 hours in this case) to make a complete game from scratch. We need all kinds of developers -- artists, designers, audio, programmers -- and even the unskilled can still head out to fetch coffee and pizza for the rest of us :). All skill levels and types welcome.
The main benefit of a Game Jam is educational. Participants get to experience a complete development cycle compressed into a single weekend. It's a great opportunity to try out a new development methodology (maybe you've been hearing about "agile" and want to give it a go without risking millions of dollars), learn a new skill (last time I participated in one of these, I taught myself Python in a weekend), or just hone your development skills by working on a complete project. People in industry tend to enjoy the ability to get really creative and experimental in a way that's not always possible with a funded development project. In my experience, participants always enjoy the experience and are usually amazed at what they were able to accomplish in such a short period of time.
I'll send more details on the location and exact times to those who RSVP.
- Ian

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