[game_edu] Ad Hoc committee

Ing. Jacobo Ríos jakovo at vjuegos.org
Thu Feb 28 16:25:05 EST 2008

As most of you already expressed, I also agree that making this happen,
having an "IGDA Approved" accreditation would be absolutely useful, a
positive step forward to help students get real education and institutions
to offer it.

however, I also agree with Robin, in that is should not be an
"accreditation-lite"... it has to be very well founded to achieve its goals,
and in that respect I think this point Robin said is specially important:

3. The Skillset group was "mainly driven by a panel from industry." The

> current proposal: "I would like to see the committee compose of a variety of

> educational institutions and types of programs."


This commettee MUST be driven by a panel from insdustry to evaluate each of
the educational institutions, not by institutions themselfs. The industry is
the one who needs to evaluate how useful a program is to bring new
developers into the industry. And we can think of something more complete
like the "full package beneffit" of being "IGDA Approved".

for example, we at Mexico's IGDA chapter are working hard to give students
and their institutions a whole benefit for having a local "student chapter",
from conferences/videoconferences given by industry professionals (national
and internationals), as well as courses to some specific topics not included
on their institution programs, talks to share our expirience with them
(teachers and students) and some guidelines to the academia about how to
make it better for the students to be prepared to get into the games

A lot can be made out of this, and I think we could achive an accreditation
complete package for an "IGDA Approved" accreditation.



Ing. Jacobo Ríos, Coordinador General
International Game Developers Association
Capítulo México - www.igda.org/mexico
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