[game_edu] Where to post academic job offers?

Brenda Brathwaite bbrathwaite2001 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 19 23:18:52 EDT 2008

"But if I were a student taking a game design class or a professional recommending someone to a program that teaches game design, yes, I would expect that instructor to have some relevant experience in game design -- not animation, not computer science, not graphic design. Game design. They are very, very different disciplines..."

Amen, Erin. Of all disciplines, this is often the most mislabeled. The effect that I see in the industry is that people don't trust a degree in "game design" . Am I hiring an animator, a programmer or a designer who can figure out how to create an RTS movement system?

One thing I recommend to people that are transitioning to design teaching is to start making games themselves - lots of games. Spend a summer trying to create 10 non-digital games of varying types, and start with a mod to something like, say, Carcassone. This will give you a very firm foundation in the problems that good books like Raph Koster's Theory of Design, Design Patterns and the like address. I have a list of my favorite design books on my site: http://bbrathwaite.wordpress.com/reading/

I also wrote an article on the types of game designers as well as a game design portfolio for anyone who might be interested.

types - http://bbrathwaite.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/types-of-game-designers/
portfolio - http://bbrathwaite.wordpress.com/2007/10/19/hello-world/

Brenda Brathwaite

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