[game_edu] CFP's

S. Gold goldfile at gmail.com
Tue May 6 18:39:11 EDT 2008

2nd International Workshop on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality

Laval University, Quebec City (Quebec), Canada August 28-29, 2008

*Aims and scope*

Augmented Reality (AR) is a means of blending computer generated objects or
labels with reality so that both appear to be a part of your natural
environment. AR is beginning to mature as a subject field with applications
moving from pure academic research into industrial and potential consumer
areas. In recent years geographic data representing real world features has
increasingly been used for AR applications. In addition, geospatial
have established many new services and applications including navigation,
decision support and modeling of the surrounding environment from which
mobile AR and location-aware computing can now benefit in order to generate
compelling spatiotemporal applications.

The International Workshop on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality aims at
bringing together researchers, developers, users and practitioners carrying
research and development in this field. The workshop will provide a forum
original research contributions and practical experiences of mobile AR,
geospatial technologies and geoinformatics, and mobile games, fostering
interdisciplinary discussions in all aspects of these three fields, and will
highlight future trends in this area.
The workshop will be organized in a way to promote networking between the
participants, to initiate and favour discussions regarding cutting-edge
technologies in the field, to exchange research ideas and to promote
international collaboration.

*Topics of interest*

We invite submissions that address theoretical, technical, and practical
of related to mobile geospatial augmented reality. Suggested topics include,
but are not limited to the following:

1. Geospatial information and geoinformatics
- 3D spatial modeling
- Geovisualization
- Geospatial Service Oriented Architectures and systems for mobile
distributed computing
- Context-aware mobility and LBS
- Geo-sensors and Sensor Web

2. Mobile augmented reality
- Acquisition of 3D scene descriptions
- Real-time and photorealistic rendering
- Vision-based registration, object overlay and spatial layout
- Display and view management
- Interaction techniques

3. Mobile games
- Location based games
- Spatial data integration and 3D game engine
- Mobile learning and mobile edutainment
- Augmented and mixed reality in mobile games
- Mobile gaming experience and gaming activities

*Important dates*

The workshop will be held on the 28th and 29th of August 2008. Here are the
important dates for the workshop:

1. Paper abstracts due June 02, 2008
2. Full papers due June 09, 2008
3. Notification of acceptance July 01, 2008
4. Registration July 15, 2008
5. Final paper version due July 15, 2008
6. Workshop August 28-29, 2008

*Instructions for authors*

The proceedings are expected to be published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography (LNG&C) series (see
http://www.springer.com/series/7418). The decision is currently pending.
Authors must submit full papers in English according to the Springer

The templates (Latex or Word template) for preparing full papers can be
downloaded here:

- Download the Word template
- Download the Latex template

Nevertheless, *full papers must be submitted in PDF file format*!

The page limit for full papers is 12 pages. Manuscripts not submitted in the
provided style or having more than 10 pages will not be reviewed and thus
automatically rejected. A paper submitted to the 2nd International Workshop
on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality cannot be under review for any other
conference or journal during the time it is being considered for the
All submissions must be original unpublished work written in English that is
currently not under review elsewhere. The submitted papers will be
reviewed by two to three members of the international scientific committee
and refereed for their quality, originality and relevance.

Submission to the workshop will be electronically only. Authors are asked to
submit an abstract first (up to 500 words) in PDF file format and including
authors name and affiliations. Please send the abstract by email to
atelierregard at scg.ulaval.ca with "abstract submission" as subject.

Submissions of full papers (in PDF file format) will have to be performed
through the web submission system which is available on the website of the
event (http://regard.crg.ulaval.ca).

*Program chairs*

Thierry Badard, CRG, Laval University (Thierry.Badard at scg.ulaval.ca)
Sylvie Daniel, CRG, Laval University (Sylvie.Daniel at scg.ulaval.ca)

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Updated Call for Papers:
11th MindTrek Conference
MindTrek 2008: Entertainment and Media in the Ubiquitous Era
Call for Papers and Workshops
October 7th-9th, 2008 in Tampere, Finland

http://www.mindtrek.org, http://www.mindtrek.org/cfp

* In Cooperation with ACM SIGMM and ACM SIGCHI ­ publications will be
published within the ACM digital library and a selected set of high-level
contributions as book chapters or within journals.
* In Cooperation with the Nordic Games Research Network - the Nordic
games researchers can apply for travel & accomodation support from
NGRN (www.ngrn.dk).

Confirmed keynote: Marc Davis, Yahoo!

MindTrek 2008 Call for Papers and Workshop Proposals

We are happy to invite you into MindTrek Conference in October 7­9, 2008.
MindTrek is a three day conference to explore current and emerging topics of
social media, ubimedia and games. MindTrek includes a workshop day, three
main tracks, plenary sessions and invited presentations. MindTrek is a
leading Northern new media festival and conference series, arranged already
for more than a decade, since 1997.

Interdisciplinary and open for innovation, MindTrek is a meeting place where
experts and thinkers present results from their latest work regarding the
development of Internet, interactive media and information society. MindTrek
brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines that
are involved in the development of media from sociology, economy, to
technology. The organizing committee invites you to submit original high
quality papers addressing the special theme and the topics, for presentation
at the conference and inclusion in the proceedings.

We are interested in contributions in the topic areas social media,
ambient/ubiquitous media, and games such as:
- case-studies (successful, and especially unsuccessful ones)
- oral presentation of fresh and innovative ideas
- artistic installations and running system prototypes
- user-experience studies and evaluations
- technological novelties, evaluations, and solutions
- scientific, business, or media oriented contributions
- proposals for own workshops.

The submitted papers will be selected for the following streams of the
- Social media
- Gaming
- Ubiquitous and ambient media.

Feel free to suggest workshops which are co-organized with the MindTrek
2008. Workshop proposals should include organizing committee, 1 page
description of the theme of the workshop, short CV of organizers, duration,
proceedings publisher, and schedule.

The scientific part of the conference is organized in co-operation with ACM
SIGMM, and ACM SIGCHI. Conference proceedings will be published in the ACM
Digital Library. Selected high quality papers will be selected and published
in international journals, as book chapters, or via open access journals.

Nordic games researchers (PhD students & staff) can apply for travel and
accomodation support from NGRN (www.ngrn.dk. There will be a specific
thematic workshop on the disciplinary identity of game studies, taking
place in Oct 7th; interested speakers for that, please contact directly
Frans Mäyrä (frans.mayra (at) uta.fi).

Important Dates
- 31st May 2008: submission of position papers (abstract, 1000 words)
and workshops
- 16th June 2008: review statements
- 29th August 2008: camera ready papers from authors (5 pages)
- 7th-9th October 2008: conference

Conference Themes

1. Social Media
- business models, service models, and policies
- questions related to identity, motivation and values
- blogs, wikis, and collaboration designs in practice
- user-created content and social networks.

2. Ubiquitous and ambient media
- ubiquitous and ambient services, applications, devices, and environments
- business models, service models, and policies
- context aware, sensing, and interfaces for ubiquitous computation
- ergonomics, human-computer interaction designs, and product prototypes
- software, hardware and middleware frameworks
- production technology for ambient media
- pervasive and ubiquitous storytelling, games, and art works
- ambient interactive business models, service concepts, and interactive
- artistic works related to ubiquitous computation
- ubiquitous entertainment and experiences
- new human-computer interaction modalities.

3. Games
- theoretical and analytical contributions to the study of games and play
- novel approaches to the design research of games
- discussions of gaming technologies from user- or player-centred
- studies of social play and role-play
- analyses of online, mobile, casual and cross-media gaming
- research into user-created game content
- studies of pervasive games.

Position paper submissions will be peer-reviewed as abstracts, and full
versions of papers will be published both in the printed conference
proceedings and online in the ACM digital library. High quality
contributions of very selected papers will be considered for journals,
special issue journals, or as book chapters.

Paper Submission
- Please follow the style guidelines on
http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates for formatting
your position paper and final paper.
- Note that since the papers will be published by ACM, all authors need to
sign an ACM copyright form. (for further guidelines see:

Conference Organizing Committee
Artur Lugmayr (Scientific Chair)
Frans Mäyrä, Katri Lietsala, and Heljä Franssila (Conference Co-chairs)

Steering Committee
Matthias Rauterberg, Eidhoven University of Technology, NETHERLANDS
Zhiwen Yu, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Irek Defee, Tampere University of Technology (TUT), FINLAND
Jan Kallenbach, Helsinki University of Technology (HUT), FINLAND
Marianna Obrist, ICT&S Center, University of Salzburg, AUSTRIA
Cai Melakoski, TAMK Univ. of Applied Sciences, FINLAND
Peter Bruck, European Academy of Digital Media (EADiM, EUROPRIX), AUSTRIA
Hannu Paunonen, Metso Automation, FINLAND
Jonas Kronlund, ELISA, FINLAND
Olli Sotamaa, University of Tampere (UTA), FINLAND
Nicole Ellison, Michigan State University, USA
Kirsi Silius, Tampere University of Technology (TUT), FINLAND
Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, Tampere University of Technology (TUT),
Bjoern Stockleben, RBB, GERMANY

Artur Lugmayr, artur.lugmayr (at) tut.fi
Submit papers here
Further Information

Supported by:
City of Tampere, Ubiqutious Computing Cluster, Tampere University of
Technology, Tampere University, TAMK University of Applied Sciences, PIRAMK
University of Applied Sciences, Technology Centre Hermia, Neogames,
Digibusiness cluster, Sombiz, COSS, and Gemilo.

Susan Gold
goldfile at gmail.com

³In a completely sane world, madness is the only freedom!² - J. G. Ballard

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