[game_edu] Man under a Bus Survey

Jose P. Zagal jzagal at cdm.depaul.edu
Fri Apr 3 22:21:08 EDT 2009

First of, I agree with a lot of what Ian says...I just want to nitpick
one particular point. Apologies.

> There's a lot of focus on that third one, and whether someone else could

> deliver my content as well as I can. Of course they can't; it's my

> content, so I'm the one who can present it the best.

Not necessarily true. I know people who can create excellent lesson
plans, incredible slides, design great exercises, and so on... but
aren't particularly great at delivering, leading discussions,
presenting, etc. (by analogy, great screenwriters aren't necessarily
great actors, good comedians don't necessarily write their own material
either, and so on)

Creating your own material is a great boon, and it may be in that many
cases the creator is the best at presenting..but not always. My point is
that "delivery" matters. In fact, some would argue that delivery is what
matters MOST. Why does MIT have the opencourseware project? Because "the
content" isn't the most important thing. :-)


Could someone else

> deliver my content at some baseline level of competency, so that their

> students would at least get the general gist of things? Yeah, I think so.


> But here's the thing... #1 and #2 are not one-shot tasks. The industry

> changes so frequently that courses and curricula need to be re-evaluated

> on a more or less constant basis. If a school brings me in as a

> consultant, has me create a full curriculum and all of the content to

> fill the courses, then I get hit by a bus... well, they'd better have

> someone else who knows what they're doing, or their whole program will

> be obsolete in a few years.


> As I told a colleague recently, this is why I'm doing the summer course

> online. Yeah, I'm giving away some of my content for free, but that's

> not my primary value. You can have the golden eggs, but the real value

> is in the goose that lays them :-)


> - Ian

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