[game_edu] Definition of a Game

Ian Schreiber ai864 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 8 12:11:02 EST 2009

Andrew Armstrong:

>I'd love to have a collection of well-thought-out references to point to, I don't think a single one can

>encompass the definition properly, due to the fact it is based more on the opinion of things then anything else.

Since you ask: http://gamedesignconcepts.wordpress.com/2009/06/29/level-1-overview-what-is-a-game/
(Yes, that's only one reference, but it points to many others.)

Nic Colley:

>I guess I need to ask what is your definition of play? Is it just the mere interaction that denotes "play"?

Well, there's the rub, isn't it. Defining "play" is about as easy as defining "game" so using one in the definition of the other is kind of cheating. I was wondering how long it'd be for someone to call attention to this ;-)

Ultimately, what I teach in my game design classes is that the definitions for "game" and "play" are all imperfect, but that at the same time we still seem to collectively understand what they are. "I know it when I see it"... and so, even though a game like Sim City may not fit all rigorous definitions of the word "game," and even if its creator says in the instruction manual that it is not a game but a "software toy," most people still say it is a computer game and you would still find it in the game section of Wal-Mart and not the toy section. So definitions are largely an academic discussion and not a practical one.

One of my favorite exam questions is to take a children's game with no decisions, like Chutes&Ladders or Candyland or War, and ask "is this a game?" and then ask for justification: if so, what definition is being used, and if not, what game-like qualities does it have (and not have)?
The answer I'm looking for is that it is a game because people generally call it one, even though most definitions would say otherwise because it lacks certain common game-like attributes (notably decision-making).

- Ian

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