[game_edu] Puttinh together a Gaming Convention

Taghavi-Burris, Akram ataghaviburris at occc.edu
Thu Jan 22 07:41:35 EST 2009

Hello all,
Yesterday everyone was replying about game conventions to go to, and
since your all in the know maybe you could give me some advice.

I'm Program Director of Video Game Design at Oklahoma City Communty
College and Faculty Sponsor of our student organization the Computer
Arts and Technology Society (CATSociety)

Evey April the CATSociety put on the Oklahoma Electronic Game Expo
(OEGE) at the school. This year will our second year and we really
want to make it something special.

We'd like to have more informative things at the event aside from just
video game retailers, maybe guest lectures and game companies at a both?

We have a small budget for event, but our students work hard to put it
together. The whole point of the expo is to promote video game
awarness and video games as a feild of study.

Anyways I was wondering if any of guys out there have any ideas or
suggestions for our expo, on how we could make it better.

For more info on our expo visit:


--Akram Taghavi-Burris

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