[game_edu] Elections & Nominations for the IGDA EdSIG

Susan Gold goldfile at gmail.com
Wed Mar 17 21:55:20 EDT 2010

We had a great meeting at GDC, with the room filled to the brim with
interested folks. During the meeting we came up with four areas that
the group felt the SIG should work on, they were:

2012 revamp
a newsletter
a selective list for discussions that should not necessarily be open
to the world
Knowledge Base
post-mortem of courses
a clearing house of information for projects
capitalize on the synergy of the Global Game Jam

Also discussed were the different roles that should be elected and
what those jobs would entail:

Chair - Manages the IGDA Education listserv, website and
communications. Works within the mission of the SIG and meets the
needs of the SIG. Develops a strategy for growth and governance.

Communications Director - Responsible for creating a substantial web
presence for the SIG, ideally a newsletter

Technology Director - Someone responsible for making sure that the
TECH needs of the SIG are implemented and work within the IGDA website
and or new sites, (think databases, wiki's, knowledge base)

Other positions are also available, these are the ones that seem to be
necessary to have the SIG move forward with elections.

Next steps: (my intentions)

1) Nominations - March 18 - April 9, 2010
2) Advisory Board Review of Candidates April 10 - 18, 2010
3) Elections - April 19 - May 1, 2010

In order to nominate yourself or others, please put together a
statement with the following information:

1) Position you are seeking
2) A little about your experience
3) Why you want the job
4) Vision statement for the future of the SIG

Criteria for any position: IGDA Member in good standing for 2+ years.
For the Chair position, I think it would be important to have been or
are an educator.


Susan Gold
In a completely sane world, madness is the only freedom!
- J. G. Ballard

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