[game_edu] Unity Workshop Curriculum?

Bill Crosbie bill.crosbie at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 11:26:25 EST 2011

Just to chime in - my experience is exactly the same as Tom's. A student led
'revolt' and subsequent risk analysis (we were mid semester) led us to
working with Unity last year in the capstone class. The students were able
to come up to speed on the engine through using unity forums and Unity
provided videos. Due to the easier iteration cycle, the students were able
to explore the design space of their games more fully.

In my expereince, the pricing is also similar. Noesis acts as an educational
reseller and can occasionally get an additional percentage point or two on
larger orders. The price for the training videos are very comparable to that
of a trade paperback on the same topic, without the mapping that is required
from static screenshot to putting it in to practice in the software.

And I guess I should add that they have training videos for Max and Maya.
With Autodesk's 3 year free educational license it really becomes a powerful
site for learning different commercial tools in the graphics pipeline with

Full disclaimer - I receive no compensation from endorsing Noesis
Interactive or Unity3D. Just a satisfied client.

bill crosbie
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