[game_edu] Implications of students going into a male-dominatedindustry?

Anthony Hart-Jones tony at dragonstalon.co.uk
Tue Sep 20 14:31:31 EDT 2011

Encouragement is good, bribery (excessive bursaries and other
financial inducements) would just be sexism by another name. Denying
funds to men which you offer to women is still gender-bias of the worst
kind, no matter that you might put a word like 'positive' before

The change, as you say, as Maria Droujkova points out in her reply,
must be social and not industrial. I studied engineering in a campus
that included computer science and it is true that the bursaries and
bribes I saw helped to encourage women into the degrees, but it didn't
help them into industry. In many cases (such as my sister's) it just
encouraged them to take a degree they were ill-prepared for simply for
the money and then drop out before even completing the first year.
Some might argue that even 10% of the induced sign-ups completing the
degree is a positive step, but it still sends the message that women
should define themselves by what another person will pay them the most
money to do. That is a step backwards...

- Anthony

On 20/09/11 18:16, Gillian Smith wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 1:12 AM, Nathan Runge<contact at nathanrunge.com> wrote:

>> It is our responsibility to ensure equal accessibility, but not our right to

>> attempt to enforce quotas or ideal ratios. In this same manner, any

>> education must remain focused on student outcomes and industry-relevant

>> practice, rather than compromising to entice more females into classes.

> Why do you feel that encouraging women to enroll in a game design or

> game programming course necessitates a compromise? What is being

> compromised?


> I am honestly baffled as to what you could mean here and would like

> clarification.


> -Gillian

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