[game_edu] Evaluating individual students on semester long

Yusuf Pisan yusuf.pisan at uts.edu.au
Thu Jan 5 18:27:07 EST 2012

If you are doing peer assessment, you may want to take a look at the
research at http://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet23/raban.html

In particular:

"The results demonstrate that without TeCTra's online support the
students were not capable of reflecting individual contributions in
the marks allocated to team-members and an equal distribution of marks
was given to 75-90% of their peers. The visibility of individual work
on the project provided by the online time records improved the
situation by reducing the percentage of groups with a near equal mark
allocation to about 55%. This result proved that reliable evidence of
individual efforts empowered team members to claim better marks, and
the groups were willing to accept resulting mark differentiation. The
most significant change in peer assessment mark distribution occurred
with the introduction of the current TeCTra system that has
facilitated peer evaluation, feedback and review assessment processes.
An equal distribution of peer marks is now only about 20% and the
distribution has become significantly wider and a better reflection of
the variety of individual contributions to large groupwork project

I am not sure if the online tool is still being supported, but there
is extensive documentation about it at



A/Professor Yusuf Pisan
Games Studio, Director
University of Technology, Sydney

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