[game_edu] Games in the Library

Malcolm Ryan malcolmr at cse.unsw.edu.au
Sun Mar 4 19:18:19 EST 2012

Does anyone have experience with getting computer games into their school library?

For my game design course I give the students a list of "readings" -- games to play each week that illustrate the concepts we are going to be talking about. Most of the games I use are small indie games from Steam. I find these games usually illustrate a particular idea more succinctly than a major title, plus they are a lot cheaper. Nevertheless the price tends to add up as the session goes on and many students are reluctant to pay.

If this were any other course, the readings would be available in the university library for them to borrow and possibly also sold as a subsidised anthology. I would like to find a similar arrangement for my students?

Does anyone have any experience doing this successfully? Might it be possible to arrange a special license with Steam?



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