[game_edu] New practical book about game design

Lewis Pulsipher lewpuls at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 10:44:00 EDT 2012

I hope it is not too self-serving to let you know that a new book I've
written about learning how to design games is now available from McFarland
& Co Publishers [http://www.mcfarlandpub.com/book-2.php?id=978-0-7864-6952-9]
and from many online sellers such as Amazon [

The title (which I did not select) is "Game Design: How to Create Video and
Tabletop Games, Start to Finish". My title was "Learning Game Design". It
is not written as a textbook with scholarly paraphernalia, because to me
that's the "kiss of death" for any other purpose: no one *wants* to read a
"textbook," they have to be forced to. Nonetheless I do have 17,000
classroom hours of teaching experience, a great deal of it "hands on",
practical, rather than theoretical, in computing and in game creation.
The book *is* written for people who want to teach themselves how to design
games. The premise is that beginners learn much more by working with
tabletop games, which provide immediate feedback while not requiring
specialized skills such as programming and art.

A detailed Table of Contents is available on the first page at
www.PulsipherGames.com .

McFarland is not a textbook publisher, and so does not give away review
copies to academics. I have been able to have them send PDFs of the book
to a few teachers who express serious interest (as opposed to those who
tend to collect books . . .).

If you want to know more about me see Wikipedia: "Lewis Pulsipher";
"Britannia (board game)", www.PulsipherGames.com, or my "Expert Blog" on

Unsolicited testimonial:
"Dear Mr. Pulsipher,
Just finished your book on tabletop and video games and it was awesome! I
appreciate all the great advice and the realistic expectation level it sets
for designers. The supporting website is so helpful. Thank you so much for
taking the time to do this book and sharing your knowledge and experience.
Lori Nelson"

Lew Pulsipher

Lewis Pulsipher, Ph.D. (military and diplomatic history, Duke University)
·designer of Britannia (1986 etc.), Dragon Rage (1982 and 2011), Valley of
the Four Winds (1980), Swords & Wizardry (1979), Law & Chaos (Mayfair), etc.
·Wikipedia: "Lewis Pulsipher"; "Britannia (board game)"; "Archomental"
·Author of "Game Design: How to Create Video and Tabletop Games, Start to
Finish", August 2012
·contributor, "Tabletop Analog Game Design," "Hobby Games: the 100 Best,"
"Family Games: the 100 Best,"
·17,000 classroom hours of teaching experience (college and graduate)
·twitter: @lewpuls
·Game design blog: http://pulsiphergamedesign.blogspot.com/ and
·Teach game design blog: http://teachgamedesign.blogspot.com
·"Expert blogger", Gamasutra: http://gamasutra.com/blogs/LewisPulsipher/774/
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