[game_edu] article of interest

Brock Dubbels brock.dubbels at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 07:25:15 EDT 2015

>From MUDs to MMORPGs: The History of Virtual Worlds

Today's massively multiplayer online role-playing games are the direct
descendants of the textual worlds of the 1980s, not only in design and
implementation terms, but also in the way they are evolving thematically.
Thus far, they have faithfully mirrored the path taken by their forebears.
If they continue to do so, what can we expect of the graphical worlds of
the future?


Best regards,


Brock R. Dubbels, PhD.,
Dept. Psychology, Neuroscience, & Behavior
McMaster University
Canada: 905.577.2535; USA: 415.968.9072
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