[game_edu] eNTERFACE17 - Call for Participation

Luís Teixeira lteixeira at porto.ucp.pt
Mon Apr 3 18:35:11 EDT 2017

**Please forward to anyone who might be interested**
 Apologies for cross-posting

the 13th Intl. Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces
Porto, Italy, July 3th -  28th, 2017

Call for Participation - May 2, 2017

The eNTERFACE 2017 Workshop is being organized this summer in Porto, Portugal, from July 3th to 28th, 2017. The Workshop will be held at Digital Creativity Centre, (http://artes.ucp.pt/ccd ), Universidade Catolica Portuguesa.
The eNTERFACE Workshops present an opportunity of collaborative research and software development by gathering, in a single place, a team of senior project leaders in multimodal interfaces, PhD students, and (undergraduate) students, to work on a pre-specified list of challenges, for the duration of four weeks. Participants are organized in teams, assigned to specific projects. The ultimate goal is to make this event a unique opportunity for students and experts all over the world to meet and effectively work together, so as to foster the development of tomorrow's multimodal research community.
Senior researchers, PhD, or undergraduate students interested in participating to the Workshop should send their application by emailing the Organizing Committee at enterface17 at porto.ucp.pt<mailto:enterface17 at porto.ucp.pt> on or before May 2, 2017. The application should contain:
-      A short CV
-      A list of three preferred projects to work on
-      A list of skills to offer for these projects.

Participants must procure their own travel and accommodation expenses. Information about the venue location and stay are provided on the eNTERFACE'09 website (http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17 ). Note that although no scholarships are available for PhD students, there are no application fees.
eNTERFACE'17 will welcome students, researchers, and seniors, working in teams on the following projects

How to Catch A Werewolf, Exploring Multi-Party Game-Situated Human-Robot Interaction


KING'S SPEECH Foreign language: pronounce with style!


The RAPID-MIX API: a toolkit for fostering innovation in the creative industries with Multimodal, Interactive and eXpressive (MIX) technology




End-to-End Listening Agent for Audio-Visual Emotional and Naturalistic Interactions


Cloud-based Toolbox for Computer Vision


Across the virtual bridge


ePHoRt project: A telerehabilitation system for reeducation after hip replacement surgery


Big Brother can you find, classify, detect and track us ?


Networked Creative Coding Environments


Study of the realty level of VR simulations*


Audiovisualy Experience Through Digital Art Holography*

The full detailed description of the projects is available at http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/Call.for.participation_eNTERFACE17.html



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