[game_edu] Postdoctoral Research Position in Game-based Learning

Sabine Graf sabine.graf at ieee.org
Fri Apr 21 02:28:53 EDT 2017

**** Postdoctoral Research Position in Game-based Learning ****

We are seeking an outstanding and highly motivated postdoctoral candidate to
join the School of Computing and Information Systems at Athabasca
University, Canada, and contribute to a new project in the area of
game-based learning. More concretely, the project aims at designing and
building an educational online game that supports learners in improving
their meta-cognitive skills while playing. The game will utilize
motivational techniques to encourage users to keep playing, will use
learning analytics techniques to increase users' awareness of their skill
levels and progress, and will personalize the gaming experience to
individual users and their preferences and skills. 

The main tasks of the postdoctoral researcher will be related to
researching, planning, and designing the educational online game. This
includes research related to the design/framework of the game and its
features, selection of game components that can improve meta-cognitive
skills, etc. The postdoctoral researcher will also be involved in parts of
the development (programming) of the game. Furthermore, the postdoctoral
researcher will coordinate and co-supervise research assistants and BSc/MSc
students who will help with programming (and design) tasks of the game. 

The postdoctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of Dr.
Sabine Graf and Dr. Maiga Chang, and will join an active research team of
undergraduate and graduate students. 

Required Qualifications:
   . PhD (or close to completion of PhD) in Computer Science, Information
Systems, Educational Technology or a related area
   . Research experience in game-based learning / serious games, educational
technology, meta-cognitive skills, learning analytics, motivation, adaptive
and intelligent learning systems, personalization, student/user modelling or
related areas
   . Strong publication record
   . Strong research skills
   . Strong software development skills, especially for web-based
   . Interest in conducting applied research in education that benefits
real-world learners
   . Strong verbal and written communication skills
   . Self-motivated with a strong work ethic and ability to work

Assets and Preferences:
   . Experience in mentoring/co-supervising undergraduate and graduate
   . Project management skills 
   . Experience and ability to design and build tools or systems
   . Experience in designing user interfaces and data visualization
   . Programming experience and skills in HTML-5, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL
   . Programming experience and skills in developing client/server
application in Java socket programming
   . Familiar with JSON and XML
   . Familiar with Debian, Oracle Virtual Box

Job Details:
   . Preferred start date is August 1st, 2017. Option to start 1-2 months
earlier or later can be negotiated. 
   . The position is for one year, with the goal of applying for additional

How to Apply:
   . Please send the following documents to Dr. Sabine Graf
(sabineg at athabascau.ca) and Dr. Maiga Chang (maigac at athabascau.ca):
          -) Motivation letter (including information about possible start
          -) A description about your previous and current research (max. 1
          -) CV
          -) Names and contact information of three references
          -) 1-2 representative publications
   . Deadline: April 30, 2017

Please contact Dr. Sabine Graf (sabineg at athabascau.ca) and Dr. Maiga Chang
(maigac at athabascau.ca).

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