[game_edu] Student IP for coursework

Ian Schreiber ai864 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 24 09:38:34 EDT 2017

Question for those of you who teach courses that involve the creation of games that may go on to be commercialized, submitted to festivals, or similar (e.g. capstone courses):
What do you do, if anything, involving student ownership of IP? Do you have them sign a contract as part of the syllabus (and if so, what's in the contract and how did you put it together)? How do you handle cases where some of the student team might want to take the game forward and others would not? How do you deal with crediting and ownership in the case of students who are low performers, or who are late adds or late drops (or who contribute to the project peripherally even though they're not taking the course, e.g. a student whose roommate provides some art on their own time)? And... how much of this is covered by university or department policy, vs. how much is entirely up to you as the instructor?

Just at my own institution it seems like there's no standard, every professor handles this differently, so I'm interested to hear what others have done in this space.
- Ian
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