[games_access] FYI: Update German Games Award

Sandra Uhling sandra_uhling at web.de
Mon Jan 23 17:56:37 EST 2012


FYI: Deutscher Computerspielpreis (German Game Award)

Deadline: 27. January 2012.
Games and/or Gametechnology produced 80% in Germany.
Games and/or Gametechnology released in 2011.
Age Rating for Germany.

There was an update for the eligibility requirements!
The update is not online yet.

Summary: They learnt that the eligibility requirements
exclude some games, special from the Games for health area.
They are now open also for other kind of games.
Serious Games is no longer limited to learning games :-)

So when it is not possible to send in 8 games or give online access to the
You can try to send I also a video with an explanation.

I am not sure, but maybe they are open also for
games of mass market used in Games for Health.
So it can also be nice to inform the developer of the game,
when there is a proof of the benefits of the game.

Note: When the game does not have an age rating for Germany,
You can also ask if "Lernprogramm" is possible. 
This is easy to make and does not cost something.  :-)

Forward this email to your contacts, please.

With kind regards,

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