[PAGID] Complete DiGeorge options

David Nelson dln at helix.nih.gov
Sat Feb 10 18:20:12 EST 2007

I would suppress the GVHD with saturating doses of humanized anti-Tac
and then let host cells develop independently of IL-2 as they do in
the IL-2Ra KO mouse or IL-2Ra deficient humans.

Then I would taper off the anti-Tac and let the host IL-2Ra+ Tregs
develop to prevent the autoimmunity. The engrafted cells should be
very susceptible to IL-2 deprivation apoptosis. Saturation could be
examined using a combination of directly-conjugated anti-Tac and
7G7/B6 staining of IL-2Ra. When saturated with anti-Tac there is no
anti-Tac staining but 7G7/B6 still reveals the IL-2Ra positive cells.

This is what we have don for pediatric ATL patients in "autocrine phase".

David L. Nelson, M. D.
Metabolism Branch, CCR, NCI
Bethesda, MD 20892

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