[PAGID] CGD and bladder wall thickening

Chris Seroogy cmseroogy at pediatrics.wisc.edu
Mon Mar 3 17:41:43 EST 2008

We have a 4y/o boy with X-linked CGD and a right wall bladder thickening,
dysuria and hematuria. Culture negative, ESR normal and afebrile.

The imaging consisted of U/S and CT with contrast. It does not have the
characteristics of a rhabdo and given his age in situ carcinoma is rare. I
am inclined to assume this is non-infectious granulomatous disease and treat
with oral steroids. His history is notable for gastric antrum granulomas
this past Fall responsive to oral steroids and aspergillus pneumonia at
presentation 3 years ago.

My questions:

1. Would people be comfortable with empiric steroid treatment or is the
risk/invasive nature of cytoscopy with bx/culture warranted?

2. Should empiric antibiotics be started? If so, what regimen?

Thank you for your thoughts! Chris

Chris Seroogy, M.D.

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Pediatrics

Mail:  H4/474 CSC, Mailstop 4108

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