[PAGID] Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia

Abraham, Roshini S., Ph.D. Abraham.Roshini at mayo.edu
Wed Jun 24 17:34:21 EDT 2009

Clinical scenario:

23-year-old man perfectly healthy before the onset of symptoms starting
8 months ago presented with the following symptoms:

1. follicular nodular hyperplasia shown on pathology after right

2. Night sweats drenching clothes and temperatures of 99.5-100.5 F
on a daily basis.

3. Diarrhea under control but significant abdominal pain.

Lab evaluations:

1. Positive test:

a. BAFF level obtained April 6, 2009, has now returned and is
elevated in the 3433pg/ml range with normal being roughly 551 to

b. Pathology showed marked follicular nodular lymphoid hyperplasia
with polytypic B cells among other lymphocytes involving ileum,
ileocecal valve, appendix and multiple regional lymph nodes. Negative
for malignancy.

2. Negative test:

a. QuantiFERON, HIV, stool cultures, fungal serologies, Giardia
evaluation, cryptosporidium evaluation, entamoeba histolytica
evaluation, and CMV testing.

b. PET scan normal

c. IgA, IgM, IgG normal and normal serum protein electrophoresis

d. T, B, NK cell numbers normal before rituximab

e. CRP and sedimentation rate normal

f. ALPS screen negative

g. ANA, Rheumatoid factor, SS-A and SS-B ab, Jo 1 ab, Scl 70 ab, ds
DNA all negative

h. Neutrophil oxidative burst negative

Treatment to date:

1. prednisone 50 mg per day for two weeks January 2009 without

2. Rituximab therapy 375 mg/m2 four doses 1/26/09 - 2/16/09;
incrementally increased abdominal pain

3. Five-day course of high-dose Solu-Medrol 2 g/m2 completed 3/10/09;
abdominal pain and night sweats seem to increase during the high-dose
Solu-Medrol therapy.

4. metronidazole ten-day course without clear improvement in intestinal
symptoms or diarrhea.

5. ciprofloxacin to treat possible bacterial overgrowth 3/12/09; stools
decrease from five loose stools a day to three loose stools a day.

6. anakinra starting 3/15/09 - 3/28/09 without clear benefit and
subsequent discontinued.

7. cholestyramine for the diarrhea and Entocort (budesonide) with
opening of the capsules prior to swallowing. The patient is also
adhering to a gluten-free diet at present. His diarrhea improved, and
he was able to eventual taper off of the cholestyramine.


Has anyone seen a patient with similar constellation of symptoms? Any
suggestions or advice regarding treatment or further testing?


Roshini Abraham

Miguel Park, MD

Roshini Sarah Abraham, Ph.D., D(ABMLI)

Consultant, Div. of Clinical Biochemistry & Immunology
Associate Professor of Medicine & Lab. Medicine & Pathology
Cellular and Molecular Immunology Laboratory
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Hilton 210 e
Mayo Clinic
200 1st St SW
Rochester, MN-55905
Ph: 507-266-9292
Ph (Secy): 507-284-4055
Fax: 507-266-4088

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