[PAGID] Yellow fever vaccine in SDS?

Dr. Esther de Vries esid at estherdevries.nl
Fri Aug 6 04:09:29 EDT 2010

Dear all, I have a 10-year-old SDS patient who is clinically doing very well. He has relapsing mild granulocytopenia, stable bone marrow smears, and had some bouts of unexplained rheumatoid-like arthritis a few years ago. Because he is doing so well, the parents want to visit southern coastal Kenia with him, an area where yellow fever does not occur very often. He received MMR without problems in the past. The parents prefer to give him a yellow fever vaccine if possible, but the doctor at the tropical travel service is reluctant, and wants my permission. Since this is a live attenuated vaccine, and abnormalities in T-lymphocyte function in SDS patients have been published, I cannot give a 100% guarantee of safety. Does anyone have experience with this vaccine in SDS? Thanks! Esther de Vries, 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands

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