[PAGID] Yellow fever vaccine in SDS?

Ashish Kumar Ashish.Kumar at cchmc.org
Fri Aug 6 07:06:04 EDT 2010

There are no guarantees with any live vaccine; but the risk of
contracting the virus from these vaccines might be smaller than what has
been feared. At least in the oncology field, in patients with leukemia
on immune-suppressive chemotherapy, we nowadays give the Varicella
vaccine if a child is exposed to chicken pox. This cannot be
extrapolated directly to other vaccines, but something to consider. I've
given MMR and varicella vaccine to SDS patients without any trouble. The
bottom line is this, where is the risk higher - in vaccinating or
not-vaccinating. In this situation, I would prefer to vaccinate with the
informed consent that there is a 1 in 1.5 million chance of contracting
the illness from the vaccine in the general population.

Ashish Kumar MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
BMT/Immune Deficiency
Cincinnati Children's Hospital

>>> Nacho Gonzalez <nachgonzalez at gmail.com> 08/06/10 6:44 AM >>>

Dear Esther, I have talked about your question with my chief (dr Ruiz
Contreras),who belongs to the spanish comitee that establishes the
vaccination schedule.He thinks there is no risk with your patient. My
only concern is if vaccination is necesary.
Luis Gonzalez Granado.Immunodeficiencies Unit.Hospital 12 octubre

2010/8/6, Dr. Esther de Vries <esid at estherdevries.nl>:

> Dear all, I have a 10-year-old SDS patient who is clinically doing


> well. He has relapsing mild granulocytopenia, stable bone marrow

smears, and

> had some bouts of unexplained rheumatoid-like arthritis a few years


> Because he is doing so well, the parents want to visit southern


> Kenia with him, an area where yellow fever does not occur very often.


> received MMR without problems in the past. The parents prefer to give

him a

> yellow fever vaccine if possible, but the doctor at the tropical


> service is reluctant, and wants my permission. Since this is a live

> attenuated vaccine, and abnormalities in T-lymphocyte function in SDS

> patients have been published, I cannot give a 100% guarantee of

safety. Does

> anyone have experience with this vaccine in SDS? Thanks! Esther de


> 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands

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