[CIS-PAGID] Complement sequencing

Sergio Rosenzweig srosenzweig at garrahan.gov.ar
Mon Jun 6 17:45:26 EDT 2011

Dear All,
Are you aware of any commercial labs doing Complement (C1, C4, C2) sequencing (in or outside the US)?

Brief story: Previously healthy 60yo male starting 2.5y ago with 3 consecutive episodes (within 6m) of high fevers, elevated LFTs and acute lung bilateral infiltrates/distress that took him to the ICU twice (no vent necessary), improved on IV antibiotics but no microorganisms were ever isolated. Serologies were neg or non contributory, in the context of NL Ig levels and adequate response to protein and polysaccharide antigens. Interestingly, CH50 has remained undetectable since the 1st time checked 2y ago, AP50 is normal, C1, C4 and C2 are very low or undetectable, CIC always normal, no skin, GI or renal disease, no autoab detected, SedRate and CPR WNL, and no Ig or C deposits at lung, liver or skin biopsies. After the original 3 episodes he repeated 2 more, just with high fevers and transient LFT elevation. Never placed on steroids, currently on prophylactic azithromycin since 1y ago.
Comments, questions and suggestions are more than welcome.

Sergio D. Rosenzweig, MD, PhD
Chief, Infectious Diseases Susceptibility Unit
Laboratory of Host Defenses, NIAID, NIH
10 Center Dr., Bldg. 10, CRC 5W-3888
Bethesda, MD 20892-1456
Phone (301) 451 8971
Fax (301) 451 7901
Cell (240) 361 7617
Pager 102 10678
srosenzweig at niaid.nih.gov

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