[CIS-PAGID] Lung transplantation in AD-HIES

Freeman, Alexandra (NIH/NIAID) [E] freemaal at mail.nih.gov
Fri Nov 18 09:11:20 EST 2011

We tried to get a patient listed recently unsuccessfully for many of the reasons you mentioned- the patient has not wanted to pursue other centers yet. The only solid organ transplant I know of in AD-HIES is a kidney, and so much less risky, and it went very smoothly.
Alexandra Freeman MD
Laboratory of Clinical Infectious Diseases
NIH, Bldg 10,Room 12C103
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892
Phone 301-594-9045
Fax 301-496-0773
freemaal at mail.nih.gov

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On 11/17/11 11:11 PM, "McComish, Jeremy S" <Jeremy.McComish at mh.org.au> wrote:

Dear team,

Does anyone have experience with lung transplantation in adult patients with AD-HIES? I have one such patient who is approaching the waitlist for lung transplant due to declining lung function on a background of bronchiectasis. She is currently stable on cotrimoxazole and itraconazole with a reasonable but inexorably declining lung function ie possibly a good window for transplantation. There are obvious concerns with the technical aspects (given her previous surgery) and post transplant immunosuppression.

Kind regards,


Dr Jeremy McComish FRACP FRCPA
Clinical Immunologist and Immunopathologist
Acting Head of Unit
Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergy
Royal Melbourne Hospital

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