[CIS-PAGID] Patient with suspected CGD

Juan Carlos Aldave Becerra jucapul_84 at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 19 15:15:07 EST 2011

Dear doctors, I have been presented this case. I think it may be CGD but in Peru we don't perform DHR neither genetic studies. I am trying to send samples to Brazil. Do you have other diagnosis according to the clinical history?

1 year 8 months old


Healthy parents, not consanguinity, 4 year-old healthy

Maternal cousin died with TBC in 2010, no direct
contact with the patient.


Complete vaccines up to one year old, including BCG,
no adverse reactions.

No severe infections before.

No allergies


January 2011: fever, cough, bloody
diarrhea. Received oral antibiotics, cough persisted.

April 2011: difficult breathing,
productive cough, diaphoresis, leukocytosis, CRP=24.72, hypoxemia → CHEST CT: signs of pneumonia, pleural effusion,
hydropneumothorax → received broad spectrum IV antibiotics (ceftazidime,
oxacillin, meropenem, vancomycin).

June 2011: ABD-CHEST
CT: signs of right suprarrenal neuroblastoma, with infiltration of the
diaphragm; right lung: consolidated lesion with tumoral appearance in the
middle lobe, solid nodule in the upper lobe, pleural effusion; multiple
mediastinal, hiliar and right axilar adenopathies; ANGIO
CHEST CT: signs suggestive of right lung cystic adenomatous

June 2011: facial nodule, progressive
growing; biopsy: chronic granulomatous inflammatory
infiltrate without necrosis, no microorganisms in the colorations PAS, BAAR and

August 2011: lower
lobectomy of the right lung; macroscopy: 4 cm tumour, with
purulent material inside; microscopy: hemorrhage, lymphoid inflammation,
several granulomas with purulent central exudates and many giant cells; BK:
negative; fungi: Aspergillus; CONCLUSION: purulent granulomatous pneumonitis with Aspergillus

The patient continued ill after the surgery. Chest
X-ray: opacity in right hemithorax; PPD: 20 mm; abdominal US:
hepatosplenomegaly → suspicion of disseminated tuberculosis with Aspergillus
superinfection (although no BK detection in many samples). Patient received
anti TBC treatment for some weeks, but got worse and was admitted to ICU →
during this time he has received treatment with meropenem, vancomycin,
amphotericin B, voriconazole, cotrimozaxole, ciprofloxacin,

September 2011: Pseudomona
aeruginosa in bronchoalveolar lavage.

October 2011: ABD-CHEST
CT: signs of acute bilateral parenchymal inflammatory process, with
nodular images in the right lower (granulomas?); mild right pleural effusion;
signs of pulmonary hypertension; mild hepatosplenomegaly.

Currently the patient continues with fever. Meropenem
has been reintroduced.



WBC = 23200/µL

Neutrophils = 15000/µL


CRP = 18.41


Ig A: 27 mg/dL

Ig G: 844 mg/dL

Ig M: 161 mg/dL

Total lymphs: 4343/µL
(NV: 2700-11900)

CD3 lymphs: 3207/µL

CD19 lymphs: 634/µL

CD16/CD56 lymphs: 23/µL

Sweat test for cystic
fibrosis: normal value


Bronchoalveolar lavage,
gastric aspirate and biopsy sample: no detection of M. tuberculosis


Bone marrow smear: reactive
bone marrow, adequate maturation of the series.

Skin biopsy: chronic granulomatous
inflammatory infiltrate without necrosis, no microorganisms in the colorations


Granulomatous pneumonitis with Aspergillus and
Pseudomona infection
Primary Immunodeficiency: CGD?

Thank you very much
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