[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Yellow fever vaccine

Michael Blaese mblaese at comcast.net
Mon Dec 10 21:24:27 EST 2012

Dear colleagues,

IDF has received the following inquiry from a caregiver for a patient with

QUESTION: My daughter may be exposed to a person who is taking typhoid
fever pills and a yellow fever shot for a trip to India. Is it necessary to
avoid the person or how much contact with the person can be made safely?

Is there a risk of horizontal spread of yellow fever vaccine from a recently
immunized individual to a patient with CVID? The CDC recommendation is to
not allow recently vaccinated individuals to donate blood for 2 weeks, but I
have not been able to find information on the potential risk of horizontal
spread from ordinary contact. Does anyone have experience with the direct
immunization of a CVID patient with the yellow fever vaccine causing
significant problems for the patient?

Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Maybe
someone from a yellow fever endemic area might have direct experience with
this question that just does not come up very often in the northern U.S.


R Michael Blaese, MD
Immune Deficiency Foundation

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