[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] murine collaboration partner

Rohan Ameratunga (ADHB) RohanA at adhb.govt.nz
Sat Jan 10 20:26:54 EST 2015

Dear Colleagues,

Wishing everyone a happy new year.  We are seeking a murine collaboration partner/ group, who may be able validate our observations in gene targeted mice.

We have found a family with a CVID-like disorder, where the proband has mutations of two different genes, the second identified by NGS.  These genes appear to have nodes of interaction in their intracellular signaling pathways.  This suggests an epistatic mode of causation of the CVID-like disorder. 

We are undertaking the relevant functional studies in our patients but replicating this in gene targeted mice would greatly strengthen our observations.  Both sets of mice with mutations in the orthologous genes exist.  

We are not in a position to do the murine work. If anyone can suggest a murine collaboration partner, I would be most grateful.


Rohan Ameratunga
New Zealand

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